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Measure for Measure – an Internet Performance Measurement Comedy of [T]errors

by Kelly Kubrick on January 7, 2007

Today’s public sector organizations are operating in environments of increasing scrutiny. Many are looking practical ways to show results, not only to funding sources but to the Canadian public as a whole.

In particular, organizations need evidence that their Internet marketing and communications activities are aligned with larger policy and program objectives.

What’s the best way to develop a practical framework to measure website goals? How best to report consistently on progress and success to management?

To learn more, attend MARCOM 2007 in Ottawa, when Kelly Kubrick of Online Authority and Darlene Moore of Drive Traffic Inc will discuss how you can:

  1. Develop Internet Performance Measurement frameworks
  2. Articulate Internet-specific outcomes and indicators
  3. Show the results of your Internet investments

We’ll see you there!



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Kelly KubrickMeasure for Measure – an Internet Performance Measurement Comedy of [T]errors